Family Link Worker
Sarah Folkes is our Family Link Worker. Sarah splits her time equally between St Matthew's church and the two schools in our parish - Salford Priors Academy and Dunnington First School, building relationships with staff, pupils, parents and the wider community in Salford Priors. She also arranges Messy and Muddy Church at St Matthew's, and organises Sunday morning activities for children, together with helping at Family Services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.
Activities for children and young people:
Muddy Church is designed for children and their parents/carers and meets outside in the Churchyard at the same time as the main Sunday morning service at 10.30am on the 2nd Sunday of each month. A Messy Church is also organised three or four times a year.
There is a group for older children called "SPYING" (Salford Priors Youth INvestigating God) which also meets on 2nd Sunday morning in the Church Room at 10.30am and 4th Sunday evening for activities, food and thought! This is led by two members of the Ministry Team - Pete English and Fran Foster