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The Parish Church
St Matthew's is the parish church of Salford Priors and surrounding hamlets. It is a very old building dating back in part to the 11th century. There is a history booklet available in the church (£3 donation suggested) with much information on how the building has changed over the centuries.
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Latest News
Saturday 7th September
11.00am - 2.00pm St Matthew's Family Fun Day at Salford Priors
10.30am Holy Communion at Salford Priors,
'SPYING' youth chat in the church room
Muddy Church outside
5.00pm 'Breathing Space' (arrive at 4pm for refreshments)
See our latest printable news sheet here:
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Who are we?
St Matthew's is part of the Heart of England group of churches which includes Bidford on Avon, Binton, Exhall, Temple Grafton and Wixford. At present there is a vacancy for a Rector who is the incumbent for all our 6 Churches.
Our Associate Minister is Rev Sheila Bridge who has special responsibility for Salford Priors and lives in the Vicarage in the village with her husband David and dog "Barney".
She is supported by a Ministry Team of lay members who help to plan and deliver the ministry of the church in both outreach and services.
Amy James is our Group Administrator.
Amy works part time and is the person to contact initially for any enquiries about the church.
Sarah Folkes is our Family Link Worker and organises children's activities on Sunday mornings. She leads the Saplings team and organises regular events at the schools and Summer activities during the school holidays.
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We are a very welcoming church and our building is open every day for private prayer, just sitting quietly or exploring the lovely old church.
Our main services are held at 10.30am on Sunday mornings and tea and coffee are offered both before and after the service. Family services are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays with Holy Communion on 2nd and 4th. There is an early 8.45am service of Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday of every month.
Once a month we hold a "Breathing Space" service at 5pm on a Sunday afternoon. This is a quiet, reflective service which includes periods of silence, peaceful music, short readings and prayers. Tea or coffee and a chat is available from 4pm for anyone who would like it.
Our pattern of services can be found on the "Our Services" page of this website
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We have a dedicated area in the south aisle where toys and books are available for children and their carers during services, and we usually have some kind of small craft activity for children during services when no formal childrens groups are happening.
"Saplings" is our mothers, carers and toddlers stay and play group which meets on Monday mornings during term time - usually in the Church Room, but during the summer is often outside in the churchyard. It is led by our Family Link Worker - Mrs Sarah Folkes and a team of helpers.
There is a small termly subscription for Saplings and pre-registration is essential due to the popularity of the sessions.
Sarah often organises "trails" around the churchyard with items, messages and sometimes quizes placed amongst the trees and memorials which children love to follow and discover. These are usually set up around a holiday or special season, so watch this space for details.
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If you would like us to contact you, please fill in this form and press "submit" at the end.
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Weddings and Baptisms
To enquire about a wedding or a baptism (Christening), please contact the Administrator:
07747 213501
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Coming up soon
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Latest Audio
Sermon by Steve Tash on Romans 13
Sermon by Michael Godfrey on the Walk to Emmaus
Sermon on Peace by Pete English
Sermon on A Spiritual Journey by Michael Godfrey
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